Free boat plans! blackfly, also be sure to check out my one sheet boat links as most of them are free plans. if you want some model boat plans instead,. directory of australia rc model ship and boat sites, total of 7 sites, a site about model boats and indexes of free boat plans and free model boat plans.. canoe plans - fyne boat kits. Center boat building plans and kits hydroplane hull plans classic wooden boat plans . a collection of plans for the classic wooden boats plans- the models vary in size but i prefer to work on models that are about 1m in length or larger so the majority of plans here are for the larger models... Popular fishing boat plans here you will find a vast array of flats fishing and skinny water boats that you can build yourself. ranging from 13’ to 22’, there is a size to fit all needs and all budgets. here at boat builder central, we have been designing flats boats and providing kits to build […].